Category: Training
Winter Workout 1
Workout 1 15 Calories air bike 250m Row5 Burpees 10 Calories air bike200m Row10 Burpees 5 Calories air bike150m Row15 Burpees 5/10/15/10/5Air SquatsPush-upsButterfly Sit-ups AND GO!
June workout of the month
June WOM (State of origin inspired.) Male – 20kg + Sled female – 5kg + Sled 500m ski erg 2 push ups 2 air squats 15m sled push 4 push ups 4 air squats 15m sled push 6 push ups
April workout
If you are up for a challenge take on this workout, grab a friend so you can push each other to your limits. Perform a 5-10min warm up as well as 5 min of foam rolling and or miolfascial release
Easter preparation workout.
“Cardio bunnies unite – before the Easter bunny arrives, get yourself in a deficit” 5 Rounds of: 500m rower 15 Kettle bell swings 24/16 10 Box Jumps 24inch/20inch 5 calories on the assault bike.
February workout
5 Rounds (work out time of 25 mins total). EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) Min 1. 30 Skips Min 2. 10 Push Ups Min 3. 20 Walking Lunges + 10 kg db Min 4. 20 Plank Shoulder Taps (20
Christmas Calorie Credits
Enjoy our Christmas Calorie Credits workout. 25th of December = 25 of everything. 25 x Goblet Squats 25 x KB Swings 25 x Crunches 25 x Skips x 5 Rounds
November workout. “The kick boxer”
6 rounds of 20 x jab – cross + 1 Burpee for 10 rounds 20 x uppercuts + 2 jump squats for 10 rounds 100 Skips 20 x push ups 10 calories on the assault bike
October workout
Here is a tough circuit to push you to your limits. It is very important that technique stays perfect throughout every movement pattern. Move from one exercise straight into the other with limited rest. 6 Rounds for time 8 x