Enjoy our Christmas Calorie Credits workout.
25th of December = 25 of everything.
25 x Goblet Squats
25 x KB Swings
25 x Crunches
25 x Skips
x 5 Rounds
December 18, 18
Workout 1 15 Calories air bike 250m Row5 Burpees 10 Calories air bike200m Row10 Burpees 5 Calories air bike150m Row15 Burpees 5/10/15/10/5Air SquatsPush-upsButterfly Sit-ups AND GO!
“Cardio bunnies unite – before the Easter bunny arrives, get yourself in a deficit” 5 Rounds of: 500m rower 15 Kettle bell swings 24/16 10 Box Jumps 24inch/20inch 5 calories on the assault bike.