“Cardio bunnies unite – before the Easter bunny arrives, get yourself in a deficit”
March 9, 19
Easter preparation workout.
5 Rounds of:
500m rower
15 Kettle bell swings 24/16
10 Box Jumps 24inch/20inch
5 calories on the assault bike.
Suggested for you
June workout of the month
June WOM (State of origin inspired.) Male – 20kg + Sled female – 5kg + Sled 500m ski erg 2 push ups 2 air squats 15m sled push 4 push ups 4 air squats 15m sled push 6 push ups
April workout
If you are up for a challenge take on this workout, grab a friend so you can push each other to your limits. Perform a 5-10min warm up as well as 5 min of foam rolling and or miolfascial release
Easter preparation workout.
“Cardio bunnies unite – before the Easter bunny arrives, get yourself in a deficit” 5 Rounds of: 500m rower 15 Kettle bell swings 24/16 10 Box Jumps 24inch/20inch 5 calories on the assault bike.