October 12, 18

October workout

Here is a tough circuit to push you to your limits. It is very important that technique stays perfect throughout every movement pattern.
Move from one exercise straight into the other with limited rest.
6 Rounds for time
8 x Sumo Deadlift (Cnn use either kettlebells or a barbell)
8 x Push Ups
8 x Walking Lunges (Each leg)
8 x Ring or TRX Rows
8 x DB RDLs
If you are unsure what any of these exercisers are, please do not hesitate to contact one of our amazing coaches.
TAGS #Crossfit #metabolic conditioning #Strength training

Suggested for you

June workout of the month

May 22, 19 / #Crossfit #metabolic conditioning #Strength training

June WOM (State of origin inspired.) Male – 20kg + Sled female – 5kg + Sled 500m ski erg 2 push ups 2 air squats 15m sled push 4 push ups 4 air squats 15m sled push 6 push ups

April workout

April 9, 19 / #Crossfit #group fitness #metabolic conditioning #Strength training

If you are up for a challenge take on this workout, grab a friend so you can push each other to your limits. Perform a 5-10min warm up as well as 5 min of foam rolling and or miolfascial release


Easter preparation workout.

March 9, 19 / #conditioning #Crossfit #metabolic conditioning #training

“Cardio bunnies unite – before the Easter bunny arrives, get yourself in a deficit” 5 Rounds of: 500m rower 15 Kettle bell swings 24/16 10 Box Jumps 24inch/20inch 5 calories on the assault bike.