April workout

April 9, 19 / #Crossfit #group fitness #metabolic conditioning #Strength training

If you are up for a challenge take on this workout, grab a friend so you can push each other to your limits. Perform a 5-10min warm up as well as 5 min of foam rolling and or miolfascial release

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Tough Mudder

December 11, 17 / #Fitness #group fitness #team #tough mudder

*No rest between rounds, straight on to next part once finished Part 1. 5 rounds of 250m stationary bike Level 10 25 BW jump squats 25 BW jumping lunges (Each side) 25 Russian twists (8kg/10kg medball) 25 medball thrusters (8kg/10kg)

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Full body Fat Blast

December 11, 17 / #Crossfit #Fitness #fullbody workout #group fitness

*3 rounds of 10 exercisers * Perform each exercise for 60 sec with 10sec rest to get to the next exercise * 60 sec rest between each round – Please google these exercisers if you are unsure how to perform

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Mini Olympics

December 11, 17 / #exercise #Fitness #group fitness #olympics #training

In conjunction with our open day and mini olympics being held at our Bulimba facility on September 2nd I thought it would be good to give everybody the chance to have a go at the events that will be held

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Spring 8 week training program

December 11, 17 / #Fitness #fullbody workout #group fitness #resistance training #weight training

Now that winter is over it is time to get your training back on track and detox from the damage winter always causes. Here is a spring workout to shake things up and get the ball rolling again. If you

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12 Days Of Christmas Workout

December 4, 17 / #christmas #Crossfit #group fitness #Workout

With the festive season well and truly upon us it is that time of year again our members either love or hate. This workout is tough,  but fun all the same. It has become some what of a tradition with

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Spring 8 week training program

August 15, 17 / #group fitness #health #training #Wellness #Workout

Now that winter is over it is time to get your training back on track and detox from the damage winter always causes. Here is a spring workout to shake things up and get the ball rolling again. If you

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