TRAINS Health and wellbeing, weight loss, strength and conditioning, chronic disease, rehabilitation, and ageing ad cognitive decline.
LOVES Spending time with friends and family, nutrition, cooking, running and cycling.
I have had experience in coaching a range of individuals to achieve their personal health and fitness goals, ranging from weight loss to cardiovascular disease. I have also had experience training individuals with a variety of different health condition such as, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, obesity, arthritis, and stroke. I have also had experience in working to rehabilitate individuals after acute or chronic injury, particularly shoulder, back and knee injuries.
Lastly, I have had experience teaching Pilates classes, which is another mode of training that reduces the loading through the spine and other joints, whilst improving muscular strength, joint mobility and muscle elasticity. Pilates has allowed me to develop my skills in teaching people to effectively activate their abdominal, pelvic floor and gluteal muscle, following pregnancy, illness or injury.