Chest of the Gods
For all you guys out there looking to grow that chest but have hit a plateau, this program is for you. There is no need to target this muscle group more than once a week with a huge variety of different movement patterns if trained properly. Keep the program simple and targeted and work to failure and you’ll be on your way to the chest of your dreams.
Before any good workout should come and very good warm up and your chest is no different. Without an adequate warm up to prepare your chest and shoulders for what is to come there is no way you will hit the numbers necessary for you to achieve your gaols.
Warm up.
Part 1. 3 sets of
15 broom stick shoulder dislocations
30sec dead hang
Part 2. 2 sets of 15 reps (60sec rest between sets)
Prone DB Cuban press
Part 3. 2 sets of 15 reps
Cable or resistant band internal /external rotations
Part 4. 2 sets of 10 reps
Push ups
Standing resistant band pull-parts (big squeeze of the scapulas)
1. Bench press ( 1 warm up set @ 50% 1RM and 1 @ 60% 1RM)
Week 1-2: 3 sets x 8eps (2min rest between sets)
Week 3-4: 4 sets x 6 reps (2-3min rest)
Week 5-6: 5 sets x 3-4 reps (3-4min rest)
2. Incline DB fly
Week 1-2: 3 sets x 20 reps (60sec rest)
Week 3-4: 3 sets x 15-18 reps (60sec rest)
week 5-6: 3 sets x 12-15 reps (60sec rest)
3. Dips
Weeks 1-6: 3 sets x failure (May need to add extra weight if more than 15 reps is achieved.
4. Superset
Incline hammer strength chest press
Weeks 1-6: 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Machine fly
Weeks 1-6: 3 sets x 15reps