September 28, 17

Full body Fat Blast

*3 rounds of 10 exercisers

* Perform each exercise for 60 sec with 10sec rest to get to the next exercise

* 60 sec rest between each round

– Please google these exercisers if you are unsure how to perform the movement or ask one of our trainers for advise.

1. DB Goblet Squat

2. Mountain Climbers

3. Alternating DB Snatch

4. KB Plank Pull Through

5. BW Alternating Lunge Jumps

6. DB Bent Over Row

7. DB Walking Lunge with a bicep curl at the top of the lunge

8. DB Renegade Row

9. Battle Ropes

10. DB Thrusters

TAGS #Fitness #health #training

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Winter Workout 1

August 10, 22 / #Fitness #health #Workout

Workout 1  15 Calories air bike 250m Row5 Burpees 10 Calories air bike200m Row10 Burpees 5 Calories air bike150m Row15 Burpees 5/10/15/10/5Air SquatsPush-upsButterfly Sit-ups AND GO!


Easter preparation workout.

March 9, 19 / #conditioning #Crossfit #metabolic conditioning #training

“Cardio bunnies unite – before the Easter bunny arrives, get yourself in a deficit” 5 Rounds of: 500m rower 15 Kettle bell swings 24/16 10 Box Jumps 24inch/20inch 5 calories on the assault bike.