February 6, 19

February workout

5 Rounds (work out time of 25 mins total).
EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)
Min 1. 30 Skips
Min 2. 10 Push Ups
Min 3. 20 Walking Lunges + 10 kg db
Min 4. 20 Plank Shoulder Taps (20 each arm)
Min 5. 15m Sled push (up back) +20kg
Repeat for 5 rounds
TAGS #conditioning #metabolic conditioning #Strength training #Workout

Suggested for you

Winter Workout 1

August 10, 22 / #Fitness #health #Workout

Workout 1  15 Calories air bike 250m Row5 Burpees 10 Calories air bike200m Row10 Burpees 5 Calories air bike150m Row15 Burpees 5/10/15/10/5Air SquatsPush-upsButterfly Sit-ups AND GO!

June workout of the month

May 22, 19 / #Crossfit #metabolic conditioning #Strength training

June WOM (State of origin inspired.) Male – 20kg + Sled female – 5kg + Sled 500m ski erg 2 push ups 2 air squats 15m sled push 4 push ups 4 air squats 15m sled push 6 push ups