September 20, 18

September workout! “Angry Ginger”

Summer is just around the corner and it’s time to increase the intensity of your workouts and kick some backsides. Try this intense little number to really get the heart rate pumping.

Its a 200 skip buy in, then complete the 4 exercises for each rep range. To successfully finish this work out – complete 50 cals on the assault bike (or rower if its busy).
Want to get competitive – time yourself and then try and beat that next week!
Have fun!


200 Skips, then straight into


Rep ranges of movement patterns are:


BW walking lunges

Push ups

BB Bent over rows 40kg/20kg

KB Swings 20kg/12kg


And finish with 5o calories on the assault bike

TAGS #conditioning #Crossfit #fullbody workout #Strength training

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